About ArtsInteractive, Inc.

About ArtsInteractive, Inc.

Our Values

The mission of ArtsInteractive, creators of MITA, is to foster a passion for live music through richly informative, sound-based, easy-to-use interactive software. Our expert team, innovators in interactive media since the dawn of digital, has amassed over one hundred combined years of experience in university and self-learner music education.

Our Team

Core Team


Robert Winter headshot

Robert Winter

Co-Founder, Principal Author

Born and raised in Miami, Florida, Mr. Winter’s childhood and adolescence were consumed with baseball, basketball, and physics. A chance encounter with a music-major classmate at Brown University changed his direction overnight to a life of music. Robert went on to earn a PhD in the History and Theory of Music from the University of Chicago and an MFA in Piano from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He spent almost three years in Europe performing and researching his dissertation on Beethoven’s late string quartets. Since joining the music faculty at UCLA he has introduced more than 20,000 students to the joys and mysteries of all kinds of music. A recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Otto Kinkeldey award from the American Musicological Society, in 2008 he received UCLA’s Distinguished Teaching Award, and in 2010 he was selected to deliver the Faculty Research Lecture. As a writer, pianist, and media artist, Robert has been profiled in publications including The New York Times, Wired, Newsweek, People Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal. His interactive collaborations with Peter Bogdanoff have been used in hundreds of educational institutions across the country. Since 2011 he has made more than twenty invited visits to China, where MITA is now undergoing a complete Chinese translation. His hobbies include travel, renovating homes, and exploring the emerging world of podcasts.




Peter Bogdanoff headshot

Peter Bogdanoff

Co-Founder, Vice-President of Design and Programming

Videographer, designer, musician, and MITA programmer, Peter Bogdanoff is a southern California native. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in Music Composition from California State University, Los Angeles, and then went on to study electronic music and composition at Indiana University, Bloomington. In 1989 he returned to California where he began working at The Voyager Company, a pioneer in interactive media, producing and designing with Robert Winter many of the music titles that attracted wide attention from the media and public. He later turned an early interest in filmmaking into videography and art gallery installations at UCLA, Stanford University, and elsewhere. He has also collaborated with scholar and writer Joseph Horowitz to create visual presentations for humanities-infused public programming, including “Dvorak and America,” “Copland and Mexico,” “Charles Ives’s America,” “Kurt Weill on Broadway,” etc. He is married to violinist Wendy Bricht, daughter of Austrian emigré composer Walter Bricht. They have two children.




Robert Freeman headshot

Robert Freeman

Senior Educational Liaison

Robert Freeman, Harvard summa, Princeton PhD, and Steinway artist, has directed three of the nation’s leading music schools: Eastman, which he led over more than two decades to top the national polls; New England Conservatory; and the College of Fine Arts of the University of Texas at Austin. Along with publications on eighteenth century music and education, he has commissioned various new works, including Joseph Schwantner’s New Morning for the World with baseball legend Willie Stargell. His data-rich but deeply personal 2014 book, The Crisis of Classical Music in America, has addressed to considerable acclaim the future of music education in America.




Paul R. Judy headshot

Paul R. Judy

Senior Consultant

Paul R. Judy is a corporate consultant, private investor, philanthropist, and passionate music lover. He was CEO of A.G.Becker & Co. Inc. from 1968-1978; founder of the Symphony Orchestra Institute as well as endowing the Orchestra Musicians Forum at the Eastman School of Music. He has been President of both the Chicago Symphony and the Chicago Philharmonic Orchestras.



Other People Who Make Our Work Possible

Don Franzen

Legal Counsel

Andrew Arensman

Rights Management

Jennifer Wu

Video Services

Qu Feng

English-Chinese Translations

Stefan Scherer-Emunds

Marketing Advisor

David Clymer

MITA Sales Ambassador

Joseph A. Carrasquillo E.A.

Accounting Services

MITA and Music in the Air are registered trademarks of ArtsInteractive, Inc.


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Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM